Monitoring poles are also called monitoring poles, divided into octagonal monitoring rod, round tube monitoring rod, equal diameter monitoring rod, variable diameter monitoring rod, cone monitoring rod, the height is generally 3-6 meters, mainly for traffic roads, intersections, schools, government, community, Factory, border defense, airport, etc. where surveillance cameras are needed. The use of monitoring poles improves urban safety and is an effective guarantee for residents' lives.
1. There is no special situation. All the concrete of the monitoring poles are C25砼, and the steel bars are in line with the national standard and the wind requirements. The cement is 425 ordinary Portland cement. The proportion of concrete and the minimum amount of cement should meet the requirements of GBJ204-83; the thread above the anchor bolts of the embedded parts is well wrapped to prevent damage to the threads. According to the installation diagram of the embedded parts, the embedded parts of the monitoring poles are correctly placed to ensure the extension of the arms.
2. The flatness of the concrete pouring surface of the monitor pole foundation is less than 5mm/m as far as possible to maintain the level of the embedded parts of the pole. The embedded flange is 20~30 mm lower than the surrounding ground, and the ribs are covered with C25 fine stone shovel to prevent water accumulation.
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