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High pole lamp manufacturers divide the pneumatic lifting rod into three types

The high pole lamp manufacturers basically divide the pneumatic lifting poles into the following three categories: pneumatic lifting with self-locking device, pneumatic lifting lamp with built-in cable Rod, universal pneumatic lift pole.

with self-locking device High pole lamp manufacturers pneumatic lift poles

       The self-locking mast has added a universal mast mast self-locking device. By means of a self-locking device, it is possible to effectively maintain the mast height for a long period of time, without the use of gas packaging. Currently, there are two types of self-locking masts: the straight pull latch (AX) and the self-locking diagonal pull mast (AXT). Self-locking bolts are only suitable for small sizes and load light masts.

Built-in cable pneumatic lift poles

        The built-in cable mast is placed in a universal rod cylinder of a spiral cable to provide power or signal Loaded material. The built-in cable mast can meet the special needs of some customers, such as beautiful, neat, protective and easy to install.

High-pole lamp manufacturer general-purpose pneumatic lift poles

          From the working principle and technical characteristics, this is equivalent to a multi-stage pole cylinder . In use, the jet is injected into the cylinder through the exhaust air and the ascending and descending sections of the cylinder motion are achieved. Part of the cylinder is made of high-quality aluminum alloy by extrusion, and the entire production process, stretching, honing, machining, anodizing and other processes, and after a rigorous inspection procedure to ensure the quality on the mast.